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About Diseases

Disease cannot exist at the highest frequencies of energy, because illness vibrates at very low frequencies. High vibrations come from thoughts & emotions that emit love, joy, passion and love of life. The state for the frequency of disease is hating oneself, which attacks on every possible level, especially from within. Negative feelings such as anger, depression, sadness, despair etc lower ones vibration, and in effect weaken the immune system further to produce illness and more negativity. To hate anything is to hate life itself, because hate is against life and love, and it is just plain destruction. "A truly loving person never has any kind of pain" Behind many illnesses is an underlying metaphysical cause. An illness will result if you have failed to deal with spiritual, emotional, mental or physical issues. Our health very well depends on how we live our life whether in this life or in a previous incarnation. Diseases happen when you put that precious body of yours at DIS-ease It is likely to result in the manifestation of illness or dis-ease in the body. Deep down most of us know that there is a link between how how we live our lives and our health. This video was created for the love of humanity to create an awareness that our minds and bodies are interlinked. Our physical and emotional ability to resist illness is directly correlated to our spiritual strength. A strong positive mental attitude and powerful immune system will be the result of a healthy spiritual, physical and emotional state..

It is only when we ignore our bodies or our spiritual welbeing that illness is able to overcome our own bodies natural defenses.

See: Video

Love & Healing,

Selin'Adjana ♥

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