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Humans are not any different from flowers..


Flowers engage in sexual reproduction just like humans... Flowers produce scents to attract bees, moths & mosquitos, and humans wear perfume to attract a sexual partner.. They both come in different colors.. look at your skin, hair and eyes... see all those different shades.. just like the wondrous colors of flowers.. Flowers and humans have more in common.. they are all beautiful regardless of their shape and form.. Flowers smile just like humans... they open their petals and greet you.. Flowers and humans both have a heart.. the flower opens its heart to the Sun and the human opens its heart to the Love.. both the same source... Both humans and flowers are born as infants, they grow to puberty, they reach adulthood, reproduce and then die... They have even more things in common when it comes to their emotions.. when you treat them with love they hold bright vivid colors just like your aura.. and when you talk bad to them they turn gloomy and dull and eventually die.. Everything around us is interconnected... ╰☆╮ I hope you can now see how similar you are to flowers............ ©Selin'Adjana (Marina G. Roussou)

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