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Pretending & Being Fake

Pretending and fakeness is something people do everyday... Portraying life is so good when it's all misery!! Shy and too much ego to show how miserly you are living inside.... You fall into the drama itself and fake even are so good at pretending to you and others that you sometimes believe the lies you say to feel better... Just momentarily though... You get your dosage of meth for a while and then you need it again...only to have repeated the same routine all over again...You have created the best acting scenario.. Great friends, family, great surroundings, great adventures.. Living happily ever after in fairy land.. You pretend how you would really like life to be..the dream you hope for... The shattered hope..only you don't believe it.. It's just become an acting scenario.. You are forgetting about the actor.. You act and have a vision of what you would really like to be going on in life... You fall in the pity zone when lonely in reality.. ...but happy zone when around others....losing balance of what is real and what is fake... Now you live in two worlds...


People, please remember to daily show the world who you truly are.. Don't just show something you think you should be.. Because sooner or later if you are posing like a top class model, you will forget your posing and where will you stand??

A fake life is not of pure joy.. You think you are deceiving others.. You are only messing yourself and leaving no room for growing and maturing..

The only way to be real is through being sincere, honest and being the authentic you. The only way to reach this state is to operate from the heart..

Most people live double lives.. They say one thing and mean another... Lots of fakeness.. They never say what they truly feel as it might not be the right answer and one may exposé their real pain inflicted selves.. They enjoy diplomacy.. It's been serving them for years..they speak words that are convenient and comfortable.. Use words that will be accepted, expected and approved by other white sheep... They can laugh along..and deceive others along the way..Now what they say and what they think are two different worlds.. How perverted don't you think??? Man cannot expose himself because if its found to have contradiction, then there's trouble. Ahhhh how sweet...the talk of chocolate fountains and other beautiful things, yes a world of ugliness..

.©Selin'Adjana (Marina G. Roussou)

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